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Pack an OCC Shoebox

When my kids were young, we participated in the Operation Christmas Child program for a number of years.  It worked because it was a tangible project the kids could participate in while it also gave them the opportunity to deny themselves and give to someone else (ie. it was hard to pick out all of those awesome items for the boxes and not want one for yourself)!

Years later, as I was researching projects for our Passport group, I thought about the OCC project.  My initial response was “been there, done that”.  But then I looked a little deeper.  As I watched OCC videos and thought about the longevity of this program, I began to realize that it has lasted so long because it is simple AND effective.

I LOVE the idea of giving a gift to those who have rarely received a gift.  But more importantly, I love how giving this shoebox gift opens the door for sharing with children about a more important gift they can receive – the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  The follow up ministry by Samaritan’s Purse of discipling children through The Greatest Journey study is quintessential Gospel.  Operation Christmas Child is a long-standing, established, and effective ministry of giving a gift to a child in need at Christmas time because of these solid foundational principles.

Their website is incredibly helpful! So many videos and resources can be found here.

Ultimately, giving a shoebox in Jesus’ name is a way to serve the world.  So gather friends or host a party and encourage everyone to pack a shoebox or two.  This simple act can become a life-changing investment in the life of a child.




Visit our Pinterest board to get ideas for packing your own shoeboxes!

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